Tuesday 23 November 2010

Believe, Identity and Variation-Jesus Colon and Poem

Jesus Colon sees himself as a failure, a offerer, a negro and a journalist. He believed that little things are big and courtesy is a big part of what he is. When he ran from the white lady carrying a suitcase with 3 children, Colon felt he had failed himself and lost his identity. Now looking back, he deeply regrets his choice and decided if he ever faced with any familiar situation again, he will offer a hand no matter the consequences. The incident had influenced and shaped his identity. At that time he was afraid of what might happen if he tried to help the white lady because of his race. Colon was worried that the lady might be racist and thinks that he was trying to rob her or worse.

The victims in this story are the himself, the lady and the society. The society suffered because if everyone in the society are like this, then the place would become lonely and friendless. I have read The Giver by Lois Lowry and it talks about having a utopian society but all the people are lonely and doesn't help anyone. This connects with the poem No Man Is An Island by John Donne because in the poem, Donne hinted that we are all connected and therefore, have a duty to help each other with difficulties which Colon failed. Colon regrets his choice and lives the knowledge that he had ignored the white lady and ran away.

James Berry's Poem What Do We Do With A Variation? talks about what we do with a difference. Standing and discuss the oddity of it refers to The Island by Armin Greder, the town discuss and creates rumor that makes fear. Ignoring the Variation links to Jesus Colon and how he ignored and ran. Shutting our eyes to it connects to Mankind Is No Island by Jason Van Genderen, everyone in the world are not seeing the homeless people around us. Moving around it in rage and enrage others refers to The Island by Armin Greder again, they spread rumors which makes rage and fear. The Blokes work for it to disappear becasue they are racist and only believes that they are the best. Changing route links to Jesus Colon because he ran from the white lady instead of offering a hand. The reason of why I chose this image is that you can see that the perosn has lost face/identity and is trying to find her identity amonst others.

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