Tuesday 11 October 2011

Consuming Our Future

Source: www.mediaed.org

Consuming Kids talks about the commercialization of childhood and the effects media has on us. One of the effects that media has on us is the increase of consumption. Marketers target children from birth and influence them to have "brand loyalty". Brand loyalty is the trust in a certain brand, the companies ensure that you will use their products for life. Psychologist study children's mind to stimulate a product for companies that will capture the child's interest. The overwhelming wave of media is causing hypertension, diabetes, obesity and other health problems in children. The Story of Stuff talks about the effects of the consumption on the world and how we can save the earth by reducing our needs for objects that may only last for 6 months. By reducing our consumption, the companies would reduce their factories and products which will lead to a more positive environmental future. Consuming Kids and The Story of Stuff is linked to each other. If we reduce our media consumption, we would decrease our need of consuming and save the environment.

Our health and environment are worth fighting for. In order to do that, one must first reduce the need to buy and consume. Media has shaped society into a consuming community. We are consuming products without thinking about the environment and how we might hurt it. The time we spend consuming media and the products media wants us to buy has increased over the past years and our health is in danger. Studies have shown due to the over exposure of the media, children are spending more time in front of the television or computer than playing outside or creative play. Spending more time watching television is decreasing exercising which is causing diabetes and obesity. Consuming the products media tells us to, like MacDonalds and other fast food restaurants, are affecting our health. Our environment and health are worthy to fight for, thus take action now.

Besides diabetes and obesity, media is also causing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and depression. Babies from 6 months of age can recognize brands and this makes them a target for marketers. Parents are mis-led into believing baby DVDs, such as Baby Mozart, can help their child learn and be ahead of others in school. However, the baby's brain is not properly structured and by putting them in front of a television instead making them crawl around and increase their brain cells. The result of baby DVDs are ADHD and depression. Children are used to images changing all the time like in the baby DVDs and can't adapt to a single image and not changing for a period of time. This makes teaching these children difficult. The happiness/content of people for what they have have decreased significantly over the years and is caused by the want of objects. Seeing commercials on the television urges you to buy the product. The depression is causing more people to consume products which leads to a less eco-friendly planet.

Media is shaping society. Teenagers are influenced and believes in the stereotype messages sent by the media. Children are also believing 'you are what you have' which is promoting consumption of object. Other effects of media is the 'age compression'. Age compression is 'getting older, younger'. Children are being more mature, but at a sooner age. Media can reach us in a variety of ways. Teens are more plugged in to the Internet to any other age groups which makes us a perfect target for marketers. Media reaches us by Internet, phones, television and etc. Media can also reach us at school, companies give schools discounts on their products so the students are ensured to have 'brand loyalty' for this product. It is important to understand media messages, they are shaping society in a negative way.

Media is causing health issues and damaging the environment. It is decreasing social interaction and outdoor activities. People would rather 'chat' , rather than talk to each other. Media is shaping our values and we should start understanding the messages to decide if it's right or wrong. In simple words, media is affecting our behaviours, health and future. It is shaping society and urges us to consume more products. Consume less equals less products being made which equals less environmental damage. Consuming Kids and The Story of Stuff is insprational because we know the effects media has on us and why we should decrease our consumption. Fight, for our health and environment. Fight, for our future.

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