Wednesday 3 March 2010

The White Mountains Post#5

I predict that in the next book, Will, Henry and Beanpole are going to continue to fight against the Tripods, using more advanced weapons than grenades. They might also make new friends, Will might goes into where the Tripods live and destroy the city and rescue Eloise from the Tripods. Will, Henry and Beanpole might become the top leaders of the resistant against the Tripods. The boys might send spies in to the city where the Tripods live to spy on them. I think later on in the story, Will, Henry and Beanpole might discover that there are aliens or not in the Tripod. If there is, then they will capture it and analyze it.

Will changed during the course of the journey, he found his true love but was forced to leave because of his decision. He became more independent and stopped whining for a bit. Will became a bit smarter after he left Eloise, because he started thinking and making decisions became easier for him after he left. For example, he didn't hesitate or whine when Beanpole started to cut off the small cap under his armpit. When he tried to make a decision to go or not to go, it was only the thought of being free encouraged him to go to the White Mountains.

Dear Beanpole,
Why do you use a knife to separate the cap from Will's armpit, when you could have just smash it with a rock or a hammer? You were really smart to invent glasses when there wern't any around you. How many inventions have you made and when have you decided not to be capped? A example that shows you are smart is that you decided to keep the grenades when the others decided it was dangerous and should not touch it. It came handy when you, Will and Henry faced the Tripods even through only one of them have affect on it.
Brandon L

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