Tuesday 15 December 2009


I have achieved most of my goals that I set out in the beginning of 6th grade, academically and socially. My academically goal is to become a better writer, not only I became a better writer, I also improve my grammar. Like compound sentence and complex sentence, when to put a comma, learn what a article and conjunction is and much more. Social goal is make new friends with new students, I made friends with Junn meng, Asuka, Chung su and more. All my goals have been achieved and I will try to make new goals, both academically and socially for next semester.
The skills I have learned are how to Collaborate Constructively, Communicate Effectively, Think Creatively, Learn Enthusiastically, Live Ethically and Reason Critically which is the SLRs. Collaborate Constructively in Health class skit, Communicate Effectively in Humanities, Think Creatively in the Ancient Sumer mobile, Learn Enthusiastically which I do for every class, Live Ethically for Art and Reason Critically in Math. In Humanities I gained lots of knowledge of history, writing and reading. For history I learned about the Hominids like the Australopithecus Afarensis and the Homo Erectus, the Neolithic age and the Paleolithic age, the problems in Sumer, the characteristic of a civilization and the 4 empires of Mesopotamia. The length of my paragraphs increased and I sometimes take a pencil when I read.

Skills I want to learn are other civilization like the Egyptian and the Romans in humanities, more drawing techniques for art, more complicated math and how to play better in band. Egyptian and Romans have Characteristics of a civilization which interest me to learn more about them. My art grade is A but I wanted to be better at art. Sometimes the math is already review for me, so I want more complicated math like the extension. Clarinet is the instrument I play at band, but my techniques are really poor, so I wanted to learn how to improve.

My goals for the next Semester, mentioned earlier are 2 academical goals and 1 socially goal. My 2 academic goal are to score higher grades and to keep them high. The social goal that I think I need to improve is to speak more often. The things I will do to achive my goals are to double check my work, studie for every test and to raise my hand more often. Those are my goals for the next 6 monthes.

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