Tuesday 3 November 2009

Literature Circle Reflection

This discussion with our group, the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle has changed my thinking of the whole story. All of our group members liked the part when Zachariah gave Charlotte a knife. The sailors were superstitious of the Seahawk, and everyone agreed that the captain and his crew were up to something. The knife is going to be important later on in the story, because Charlotte kept it.We also talked about what happens next, I suggested that someone is going to get murdered and Charlotte is going to be blamed because in the very beginning of the book,she said that not every girl is accused of murder and found guilty. Our discussion also talked about who is going to get murdered, one of our group members accidentally read ahead and told us that the first mate is going to get murdered. When we were asking and answering the questions one of the questions that came up as good questions is do you think Zachariah would be friends with Charlotte and why, we think yes because Zachariah wanted to be friends with Charlotte.

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