Tuesday 15 December 2009


I have achieved most of my goals that I set out in the beginning of 6th grade, academically and socially. My academically goal is to become a better writer, not only I became a better writer, I also improve my grammar. Like compound sentence and complex sentence, when to put a comma, learn what a article and conjunction is and much more. Social goal is make new friends with new students, I made friends with Junn meng, Asuka, Chung su and more. All my goals have been achieved and I will try to make new goals, both academically and socially for next semester.
The skills I have learned are how to Collaborate Constructively, Communicate Effectively, Think Creatively, Learn Enthusiastically, Live Ethically and Reason Critically which is the SLRs. Collaborate Constructively in Health class skit, Communicate Effectively in Humanities, Think Creatively in the Ancient Sumer mobile, Learn Enthusiastically which I do for every class, Live Ethically for Art and Reason Critically in Math. In Humanities I gained lots of knowledge of history, writing and reading. For history I learned about the Hominids like the Australopithecus Afarensis and the Homo Erectus, the Neolithic age and the Paleolithic age, the problems in Sumer, the characteristic of a civilization and the 4 empires of Mesopotamia. The length of my paragraphs increased and I sometimes take a pencil when I read.

Skills I want to learn are other civilization like the Egyptian and the Romans in humanities, more drawing techniques for art, more complicated math and how to play better in band. Egyptian and Romans have Characteristics of a civilization which interest me to learn more about them. My art grade is A but I wanted to be better at art. Sometimes the math is already review for me, so I want more complicated math like the extension. Clarinet is the instrument I play at band, but my techniques are really poor, so I wanted to learn how to improve.

My goals for the next Semester, mentioned earlier are 2 academical goals and 1 socially goal. My 2 academic goal are to score higher grades and to keep them high. The social goal that I think I need to improve is to speak more often. The things I will do to achive my goals are to double check my work, studie for every test and to raise my hand more often. Those are my goals for the next 6 monthes.

Monday 30 November 2009

Final Literature Reflection

I liked the book a lot because the author used a lot of action and description. Like the part when Charlotte climbed the bowsprit which has a lot of description and the part when Captain Jaggery fell overboard and plunged into the ocean which has a lot of action. The book also has a hook at the end of the chapter that pulls you to the next chapter, Avi really included all the techniquesof a well written story. He also included the rising action which is the mystery getting stranger and stranger and the climax is when Mr. Hollybrass died and Charlotte was blamed for it.
My favorite part in the whole story is when Charlotte abandon her unloving family to join the crew which she felt is her family because Charlotte followed her heart and chose her own future. Charlotte abandoned her real but unloved family to the crew who treated her like family, she felt that she doesn't know her real family anymore. So that's why she ran away from home. one of our group members said that in the beginning Zachariah said that Charlotte and him have a lot in common, they both ran away from home.
I think the message of the story was to trust one another. Charlotte at first only trust the captain, but as the journey goes on she slowly trust Zachariah and the crew and Zachariah and the crew trust her back. The crew didn't help her when Charlotte was sentenced because they thought Zachariah had killed Mr. Hollybrass and they were afraid of blurting out the secret of Zachariah. Captain Jaggery lost trust in Charlotte after she whipped him with the whip, so he started to treat her badly.
I liked the Literature circle very much, because I can read great books and discuss the book with other people. My suggestions for the Assignment is that more people in the groups and more vocabulary words in the discussion sheet. My favorite thing in the discussion sheet is passages, because I can put down my thoughts. Responses to questions is also one of my favorite thing in the discussion because my responses are long.
Thunder cave is the novel I would want to read next, because one of my friends said it is really exciting. Like lions and saving some one's father sounded like it has a lot of action. There isn't a lot of long descriptions in Thunder cave like Charlotte doyle. It was my second book I chose when we could choose our own books at the beginning of the year.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Literature Circle Reflection 4

Charlotte changed a lot since the beginning of the book, at the beginning she was very shy and think that she is very high class compared to the crew, but in the end Charlotte had a lot of inner strength. This means that she changed a lot, she is not afraid of asking anyone if they are the murderer. This week's discussion had a really big impact on me, we all tried to predict what is going to happen next. I predicted that Captain Jaggery is going to die, since he was the villian. If he doesn't die, he would kill Charlotte. Our disscussion also talked about will Charlotte's life be the same after she leaves Seahawk.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Literature Circle Reflection 3

My literature Circle discussion made me think deeper and more clearly about the whole story of Charlotte Doyle. Every one's least favorite part is when Zachariah was beaten to death, we all agreed that it was unfair for the captain to chose Zachariah as the victim. One of our group member's discussion question is why did Captain Jaggery choose Zachariah? Our answer to it is the captain probably think that Zachariah is small and old, so he can be easily bullied. i can see everyone worked hard on their literature circle, they all have at least 1 page! Me and Ian's favorite part is when Charlotte was climbing the mast, but the girls favorite part is when Charlotte moved out of the cabin and something else later on in the story. After we shared our passages and questions, everyone shared their vocabulary words. The words that we didn't know were mainly parts of the ship, there are diagrams at the almost last page that shows different parts of the ship and what it is called. She changed a lot, from a weak,passive girl to a strong, independent crew.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Literature Circle Reflection 2

This discussion with our group, the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle has changed my thinking of the whole story again, but differently. I liked the part when Charlotte saw the wooden head, because the author did the suspense and the description really well. Unfortunately, one of my group member forgot his discussion sheet, so he was not able to participate in our discussion. Our least favorite part is when the author describe the days that Charlotte spend in bed, everyone agreed that it is a bit boring. When we shared our passages, I noticed that everyone has a important part like me, the part when she saw the pistol and the round robin. Later, we shared our discussion questions. I improved my questions and everyone has good discussion questions and answers, because we just talked on and on. Finally, we shared our vocabulary and everyone shared theirs. The discussion really helped me a lot, because i can hear different opinions and ideas.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Literature Circle Reflection

This discussion with our group, the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle has changed my thinking of the whole story. All of our group members liked the part when Zachariah gave Charlotte a knife. The sailors were superstitious of the Seahawk, and everyone agreed that the captain and his crew were up to something. The knife is going to be important later on in the story, because Charlotte kept it.We also talked about what happens next, I suggested that someone is going to get murdered and Charlotte is going to be blamed because in the very beginning of the book,she said that not every girl is accused of murder and found guilty. Our discussion also talked about who is going to get murdered, one of our group members accidentally read ahead and told us that the first mate is going to get murdered. When we were asking and answering the questions one of the questions that came up as good questions is do you think Zachariah would be friends with Charlotte and why, we think yes because Zachariah wanted to be friends with Charlotte.

Thursday 17 September 2009


Back in fifth grade, I walked into the theater with my class. The theater had black walls with decorations on it, our class sat down on the red wool carpet on the ground. The assembly soon began, in elementary there is a competition called AR. AR stands for Accelerated Reader, every time you finish reading a book, you go on line and take a quiz about the book. If you get all of the question correct, you get points. The librarian stood on the stage and shouted out, "50 points, please stand up." The screen appeared and listed all the names, I stood up. "100 points, if you do not have 100 points, please sit down." I remained standing. "200." I still stood up, after a while the librarian shouted, "1,000." Only 2 people remain standing, Cindy Zuefack and me, Brandon Lien. "Please come up to the stage." Cindy and me went up and each of us got a medal that says 1000 point reader. At that time I found out that I am good at reading. Then the librarian awarded us with trophies for being the top reader.

Wednesday 19 August 2009


If I could be a social scientist, I will choose to be a geographer because I love to examine and look at mountains and rivers. Another reason is that I can visit countries and see different stuff. The last reason is because geographers can take pictures of mountains and waterfalls, and I like taking pictures.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

6th Grade Humanities Blog Post #1

My name is Brandon. The country which I'm from it's Taiwan. I have a litter sister in grade 2. My hobby is reading and running.
I've read Sixth Grade Secrets by Louis Sachar, Microscopic Monsters by Nick Arnold and The 20th centry by Terry Deary.
The latest movie that I watched is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
My academic goal is that I want to be a better writer.
My social goal is that I want to be friends with the new students.
My favorite vacation memory is when my family went to Sunway Lagoon, there was slides, games and the theme park was enormous!
I'll describe myself as nice, short, friendly, caring and responsible.